1. 心血管慢性疾病管理,心血管疾病中信息化及数据技术的应用。
2. 房颤的综合治疗管理,包括影像和心电信息在房颤诊疗、预后预测中的应用
1. 国家重点研发计划战略性科技创新合作“基于人工智能和信息学等新兴技术的冠心病及共患慢病综合防治策略研究”,2022-2025,合作单位负责人
2. 智能穿戴设备心房颤动预警软件与长程动态心电图用于房颤患者随访的对比研究,2021-2023,负责人
国家科技重大专项“心脑血管疾病和耐药性病原菌感染示范性新药临床评价技术平台建设”项目子课题“GCP 示范平台的辐射探索”,2017至2020,负责人
1. He P, Pan Y, Jiang J(Correspondence), Fan F, Zhou J, Xia Y, Liu J, Yang N, Hao Y, Li J, Liu J, Zhao D, Huo Y; CCC-AF investigators. In-hospital therapies and determinants of treatment strategy selection in patients with atrial fibrillation and left ventricular systolic dysfunction in China: a retrospective study based on the Improving Care for Cardiovascular Disease in China-Atrial Fibrillation (CCC-AF) project, 2015-2019. BMJ Open. 2023;13(6):e070070.
2. Li Y, Gong Y, Zheng B, Fan F, Yi T, Zheng Y, He P, Fang J, Jia J, Zhu Q, Jiang J (Co-correspondence), Huo Y. Effects on Adherence to a Mobile App-Based Self-management Digital Therapeutics Among Patients With Coronary Heart Disease: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2022;10(2):e32251.
3. Chen E, Jiang J(Correspondence), Zhou J, Wang H, Sun G, Zhou R, Su R, Zhu S, Huo Y. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Stratification in Wrist Wearable Devices and e-Health App Users: A Large-Scale Retrospective Study. Telemed J E Health. 2022 ;28(8):1151-1158.
4. Erdong Chen, Jie Jiang(Correspondence), Rui Su, Meng Gao, Sainan Zhu, Jing Zhou, Yong Hu. A new smart wristband equipped with an artificial intelligence algorithm to detect atrial fibrillation. Heart Rhythm 2020;17:847–853.
5. Jie Jiang, Qiwen Zheng, Yaling Han, Shubin Qiao, Jiyan Chen, Zuyi Yuan, Bo Yu, Lei Ge, Jia Jia , Yanjun Gong , Zhi Wang , Dafang Chen, Yan Zhang, Yong Huo. Genetic predisposition to coronary artery disease is predictive of recurrent events: a Chinese prospective cohort study. Hum Mol Genet. 2020;29(6):1044-1053.
6. Jie Jiang, Qin Zhu, Yimei Zheng, Yajing Zhu, Yuxi Li, Yong Huo. Perceptions and Acceptance of mHealth in Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases: A Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2019;7(2):e10117.
职称:教授 、 主任医师
所属专业: 内科学(心血管病)
邮箱 : Jiangjie417@vip.163.com
工作电话 : 010-83575180
1. 心血管慢性疾病管理,心血管疾病中信息化及数据技术的应用。
2. 房颤的综合治疗管理,包括影像和心电信息在房颤诊疗、预后预测中的应用